【孠嬳鵸鈤 crystal set is now on sale for a limited time】
Dear Matori chan,Your dearest love unraveled the truth which is hidden in "孠嬳鵸鈤" for you.The letter is an invitation from the region that is famous for the film industry.Did you finish preparing go to the international stage with him?Don't miss the "孠嬳鵸鈤 crystal set" whith is on sale for a limited time!
Has a doctor’s degree in Behavioral Science, an man with unique career background.
As an actor, he has a stoic side; he always makes sure to re-read the script before filming.Among all the stars, he probably writes the most notes on the script.
Started his acting debut after his friend sent his profile for an audition.He is often casted as cool characters, which has gained him a lot of fame.The current focus of the media, this young actor is coming to steal your heart!
Known for his charismatic roles in various romance story.
Many female audiences who watched his works were drawn by his charms and became “Hatoriholic”.The media is thirsty for his love live, however he’s very careful with his private life, which makes his love life stay a mystery.
A popular antagonist actor, who was voted #1 for “The most evil looking man”.
Acting as mafia boss in this movie, which he considers may be a new field for himself.
He rarely accepts media interviews, but according to his co-stars, He is a highly passionate man.
Known for his delicate and clear performance.He does not have a lot of experience playing main roles, but a lot of people remembers him for his charming supporting roles.Other than this movie, he has been confirmed to make appearance in animal documentary movie.
An actor who is known as “Young Holmes of Hollywood”, for having done a lot of detective roles despite being young.Even during the filming, he often helps the co-stars or production staff to look for lost items.For Shion who loves to nap at the filming location, there’s cushion and blanket prepared for him.
An actor who is famous for intellectual roles, but recently has spread to different type of roles, through demands from female co-stars.He became the current topic in the street through his realistic and terrifying act in the recent horror movie.Rumored to never do action scenes, but in this movie… will he finally—?
An eccentric actor who may be hard to understand initially, but deep inside is a protective man.His currently most wanted item is a wine cellar in the office so he can drink freely anytime.According to what people say, he has beautiful singing voice and is very skilled at singing.
Ex-sponsor for movie productions. One day a movie director was drawn by his looks and scouted him to be the lead character; this is how he debuted as an actor.Since then, his adventurer self got him to try various roles in many different movies.His interesting answers in quiz programs caused a sensation and enlighten the shoot!
A genius legendary multitalented actor, who is also a novel writer.As an actor who is known to never act in any work other than his own, this movie is his first performance in other’s work.He ensured his novel fans that his appearance in this movie will not affect his writing, so please rest assured!
As expected from someone who carries the word “kawaii” (cute), he’s always full of smile during the filming.
Considered as the fashion leader for young people, he often graces the cover of magazines.Famous for his quirky character building; known to analyze his roles with statistics.
A popular actor among children; has appeared in a lot of kids programs.Even during the filming of the movie, he was immediately loved by the young casts.Has a wide knowledge of toys, most likely the reason for his popularity!
An actor with high knowledge in fashion. He covers everything from the design to the costume production; even his own costumes’ final adjustments!
For some reason, everyone involved in the production starts to get nervous when it’s his turn to film.During the filming for this movie, he encountered many different food for the first time; this is planned to be released as bonus video for the DVD & Blu-ray.
The top actor who’s pulling the current filming industry along.He’s able to transform himself into any character and blend in his role so well, surprising even his co-stars!Despite being a celebrity, he sometimes goes out shopping in disguise. If you happen to see him anywhere, please try to keep quiet!
A professional actor who is trusted by his colleagues despite his harsh advices.
He updates his SNS with pictures of his beloved dog, which fans are happy to see.Apparently the mountain of instant noodles in the movie was his personal belongings…!
The international actor who recently made it big through his acting in the famous French movie, which gained his a grand award.He seems to be going back and forth between his house in Tokyo and Paris.Maybe he will be buying another house in Los Angeles…?!
Debuted during the same time as Kotaro Yui.
His SNS updates mostly consist of restaurant menus, but never includes the restaurant’s name.
Judging from the captions, he seems to be fairly knowledgable about cooking…?
A charming action actor, who even does all the stunts himself.He is a book lover who always reads the original story before shooting adaptation movies.Speaks roughly, but who knows, he might actually be hiding a gentle heart?!
Just as his role in this movie, he is a cheerful and bright young man.Another similarity is his powerful arms; recently there is a news about him taking down 4 robbers at once!He often invites other co-stars for a meal after the filming. His menu is meat, meat, meat and meat…!
The type of actor who transforms his body to match the role he get his hands on.No matter how early the shoot is, he will definitely never skips his daily training.For his next work, he plans to challenge himself on a kids movie that has a lot of mascot characters; we’re excited to see him around the cute characters!
A famous actor who has flexible variety show skill and can give perfect responses for any comment.Has been frequently seen spending day offs together with Hikaru, Isagi, and Shion; some says that he takes care of them…
The currently in the buzz actor for his long-awaited appearance in a superhero movie, which obviously got a lot of positive responses!He can brighten any mood in a second with his bubbly personality.During the filming of this movie, he plan to visit every bakery near the filming studio! (Good luck!!)
The current center of attention, an actor with a sweet appearance, yet can pull off extreme action moves.Seems to have a very ordinary hobby of cleaning every corner of his house during day offs.His life before debut is unknown; would you try to find out his secret?!
The man behind the widely rumored anonymous large orphanage donation…?!Another rumor circulating around his colleagues is that he learns his dialogues by citing his lines out loud.Be wrapped in his tenderness and fall into his arms~
An unpredictable actor who always adds improvisation without warning; feared by other actors as a “Ad-lib Demon”.Often seen drinking green tea latte during break time.However he’s more often seen dozing off whenever and wherever he can…
A popular actor with a gentle appearance and loved by anyone from any generation.
His private life is said to be wrapped in mystery…?Would you trust his smile, or see what he might be hiding behind that mask?

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